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I've noticed the following weapons/systems are missing their compendium entries in the LCP:

Magnetic Hypercompression

Moonshot Module

Butcher's Block

Suicidal Embrace

Personal Tachyon Shield System

Dem-0 Charges

Scout Rifle

In addition, the Rapid Nanite Autonomy system is mistakenly named Decoy Autonomy, and the Toxic Lock exotic system is missing. I hope this helps.

I have a question about the SSC Blue Doctor's integrated weapons, are they meant to only ve used with it's Core Power Active or are they available to skirmish with?

(1 edit)

I have a question regarding Blue Doctor's Contrition Memetics System. The Guilt invade option reads "The target becomes Impaired and cannot make any voluntary movements that take them farther away from your mech."

It doesn't state if the enemy can make a save to escape this debuff or if it simply ends at the end of my/their turn or something. Requesting clarification on that.

EDIT: Also, there is a slight error on Calico's Dustup Impact in the LCP. The actual effect text and "Compendium Entry" flavor text are swapped.

Ah! Good catches both, thank you.


Quick bug note the auric-range-mechs_0.0.4.lcp has the HA Pachacuti listed with a 20 Save Target instead of 10.

Thank you! On the list it goes!


I have loved everything about these so far. I found another mech you did a while back, the Gnoll, and I was curious if that served as inspiration for any of the other frames? Other than what has been pointed out by Potatorix, I haven't seen any problems. Hoping for some sick art to go with it.

Thank you! The Gnoll and its brothers, the SPASMS-Clade, were an inspo for how to do the fluff for Dragon; along with its general "culty" vibes. I hope I can afford some art to go with my mechs too, as well as all the NPCs I've got planned!

Where can this Gnoll be found?


Hey, I like this field guide's content, I think you've done a good job so far, but whilst I was looking through the equipment for the Calico on COMP/CON, the Moonshot Module is missing its damage and compendium entry. I've tried redownloading it and reinstalling it and they're still missing. Idk how the lcp files work, but I'd thought I should let you know

thank you! I'll take a look and see what the issue might be!


I think I found another error with the LCP. I was looking through the Calico equipment again, and I noticed that the Dustup Impact's compendium entry and equipment effect are in eachother's spot.